Cute catchy title here.

We are still here. Just very busy. Mom is on weekly chemo. Zach is in Amarillo, doing well. Ian, Ryan, and Jilli are growing and thriving. Frank is as busy as ever (busier!) And I am just trying to hold it all together.

We decided that a "school room" didn't work nearly as well as we had imagined, and Ryan really needed his own room, so we are at the kitchen table, which we dearly love, books and supplies lovingly stored in the bottom part of our china hutch. Homeschooling is much more fun and productive when you remember to keep the "home" part. ;)

The other day my parents had company, dear friends that we had not seen in ages. B was asking me about homeschooling, and I was being open and honest. I did not realize until I started how strong people's feeling were about it. We get a lot of criticism, despite the fact that our children are doing very well. Somehow it came up that I let my children wake up naturally, and they all go on their own schedules. We have no vigorous routines. They know what they are expected to get done, and I find that working with them that way means I am able to have one on one time with them much more naturally. I don't expect them to take that stack of books and learn it by themselves. Anyway, back to the subject. Ryan is a night owl. No matter how tired he is, no matter how early he wakes up, he can't go to sleep before 10 pm. He is much more pleasant when he sleeps later. So I let him. Sometimes he doesn't get up until almost 10. Then he has brunch, and he is a pleasant kid. B asked me how he was going to fit into society if he doesn't learn how to get up and make schedules... hmmm. He is 7, he has commitments that he meets regularly (kung fu classes, appointments, etc.) Learning to be in his seat when the bell rings, and to stand in line at a certain time doesn't seem to me to be the only way to learn this. To B, I just smiled, and acted like I didn't quite understand. Most people only think they want to get into an in depth conversation about education... until you start challenging their beliefs about education, and how it should be handled.
It's cold today. Beans, home fries, and cornbread, or maybe beef stew and cornbread for dinner. I'll ask Frank what sounds best.

If you are reading this, please send extra prayers for my Mama and our family. It's getting tough, and I don't know how much longer she will be with us.