"Death at a Distance"

It's really hard to hear someone say when you are dealling with a most tragic even in your life..." If you need anything, just let me know!" or "I'm praying for ya'll!" First of all, if I have to let you know that I need something, then you must be blind, and prayers are just a way of saying "Really, I've got nothing for you, and I'm just trying to make myself feel better."

Painful. That's what life has been like without my Mama. She was my best friend. She accepted me with all of my faults, and loved me for them. She celebrated my victories with me without jealousy. She would be so happy for me that I've finally beat "morbid obesity"

Her death brought my exile into loneliness, my search for someone to fill the place that she left in my heart. Both of which were unnecessary. I've kind of lost my own person in this process, but I've learned so much about myself in the last year. I'm far too trusting, my family is the only source of approval that I need, and that misery loves company. I'm not a jealous person. I've truly learned the difference between sympathy and empathy. I'm loyal to a fault. I have the kindest, most understanding husband. Last, but not least, do not allow people to exploit your grief, there are people who will, and it really is terrible to find out that there are souls in this world who will do that.