What Are We Up To?

Monday!!! Today starts Zach's Spring Break. He is staying with my brother. Alas, no Spring Break for the littles. They had 2 days off last week after completing their seat work for those 2 days. We were already ahead in World History and Chemistry. I decided against having a whole week off this week because we didn't really have anything planned, and the kids get bored and start acting up when they don't have anything to do but play video games and watch TV.

We FINALLY finished our study of Ancient Egypt. We spent a lot of time on that era because the boys were completely enraptured with it. We went up to the Dallas Art Museum to see the Ancient Egyptian artifacts that they had on display. It was sooo cool and breathtaking to see artifact that are so ancient, and that I have seen in books all my life. We even made our own mummies... King Fruitenkhamen. We learned how to play Senet, and practiced learning how to hunt with snake throwing sticks.

Now we are off to Ancient Greece. The boys (especially Ryan) are enjoying the book of Greek Myths that I
am reading to them. I always liked Greek Mythology as a child too. We have lots of fun, hands on stuff to do with this unit as well.

Spring has sprung here, and my green thumb has been itching. The bulbs that we planted on a blustery January morning have sprouted and we are enjoying the first daffodils and hyacinths of the season. We have our garden planted with Spring crops, but if it keeps hitting the 90's we may just have to buy lettuce and spinach at the store! I hope not. I also want to get enough peas to have some for a while. I love fresh sugar peas!

Well, happy Monday. I hope you have a great day!