Let's Take Spring Break Anyway!

What a nice and relaxing morning! The birds are chirping, and the children are sleeping. :)

One hobby (errr... obsession) I have is making Jilli hairbows. I found this super cute grosgrain dot ribbon. I spent a little time yesterday making these. They still look cute in her hair even though she cut all of her bangs off. Her hair on the front of her head, from her hairline to 2 inches back in 1/4 of an inch long.

There has been a change of plans. We decided to have a spring break after all. I think our batteries need to be recharged, and I really need to get some deep cleaning done. ( My pantry is calling my name... ugh.)

Having a clean, organized pantry means meal planning and keeping it stocked up are a whiz. I have a huge pantry. It is more like a mini store. I have a refrigerator and a huge upright freezer in it, along with lots of shelving. We live so far away from any store that I like to keep it stocked up. It isn't feasible to run to the store when it is 30 minutes away! I also keep extra appliances in there too. It makes my smallish kitchen very workable. I will take before and after pictures of it.

Zach sold the truck that Granddad gave him yesterday, and that will go a long way to paying off his loan on the truck that he drives now. He is really happy about that. Craig's List is a wonderful way to sell stuff-- as long as you are cautious about it. He had one lady interested in buying it, but then she told him she was going to send him a check for $5000, to cash and then Western Union someone else most of the money to pay for delivery... Scam.

The boys had Kung Fu last night. Jill can not wait until September when she will be able to start as a Little Dragon. Ryan will be out of Little Dragons in May when he turns 7. He will enter as a yellow belt- the same belt as Ian. It will give Ian incentive to work a little harder.

Ryan also gets his allergy shot on Mondays. Afterwards, he gets a huge swollen lump at the injection site. This is causing me concern. I don't want to stop the shots-- they are very effective for him. He just gets such a huge dose. The poor little guy is allergic to everything-- except feathers and dogs. On top of the allergy shot though, he has to take Allegra for nasal allergies.

After the boys class last night we went to Big Lots to get something for Ian to organize his K'nex and Legos into. He is getting to be a Lego Nut. Ry is too, but he hasn't reached quite the level that Ian has. Ian put together a huge amusement park ride out of K'nex- all by himself! He was so proud! ( I was proud of him too!)
Please forgive the mess in the background-- we are currently doing painting and some remodeling.

Well, off to tackle the pantry! Have a great Tuesday!