ChChChChChanges....Time to make the change.

I have terribly neglected this blog. I have been going through such a chaotic time in my life... My oldest son has graduated, and on to his new life. This is a happy/ sad time for me as a mom. My Mother has Stage IV Breast Cancer. She is rapidly declining, and I am now having to think of her final days.

We are back to our schooling after a nice Spring break. We are using Calvert Curriculum this year. It so far seems to be a good choice for us. Jilli has started PreK, and is very rapidly learning the alphabet, phonemes, and simple math. We continue with Kung Fu.

We bought a great Pop Up Camper this past week, and we are looking forward to using it. It is going to be a great relief not to have to set up a tent each time we camp. Frank has gotten us started on a new hobby-- Geocaching.

I'll post our brand spanking new family portraits soon (hopefully tomorrow.)
