Did Cleaning My Pantry Make It Rain?

--If it did, I'll do it more often!!!

It rained!!!!!!!! A whole half an inch!!! I hope we get more. We need more, but I'm happy with the half inch. :)

I did get my pantry cleaned out yesterday. Whew. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. That messy pantry was really weighing me down! It kept getting messier the longer I put it off, and I kept putting it off because it was so messy! I need to use the lock that is on the door to keep the kids from roaming around in there, and I need to put up the groceries as I get them. I took out a bunch of stuff (like the filing cabinet) that did not belong in there, and put the stuff up that I cleaned out of the kitchen when we emptied the cabinets to reface them. Here are before and after pics... Now don't think badly of me... there are 5 other people in this house helping me make a mess... LOL.

Now I have to get Jilli's room reset and the boy's room reset, find a place for all the odds and ends I have cleaned out, and then I will be done with Spring Cleaning!!!!