Love is Warm and Fuzzy.

What a wonderful, cold, wet day it was yesterday. We didn't do much at all besides the normal tidy up, laundry, cooking routine. I powered through a few squares of the afghan I am making. I only have 1 1/2 strips left before it will be ready to crochet the border on and it will be done. The fact that it is not completely done, however, does not detract my children from snuggling in it every morning. First it's Jilli, straight from bed. Then when she wakes up enough to start running around requesting breakfast, Ian wanders in. Then while Ian is eating, Ry sneaks in and starts his wake up. I guess it is the equivalent of kid coffee. Ry melted my heart the other day because he told me that he felt all of the love that I put in it. Ahhh. I am so happy that they feel that way. I must be succeeding at doing my job of mothering. Since my children have discovered that I have this awesome talent (*snicker*) I have a project list a mile long. Afgans, scarves, blankets for stuffed animals, dollies, crocheted play food...

Anyway, back to the afgan. It is a 63 square afghan, and every square in a different stitch, or pattern. I used the same colors that are in the picture -->, except for the aqua, I substituted it with navy. It goes better with my furniture. Some of the squares are really cool, and I would like to make a whole afgan out of them. Some of them are not. I have only skipped one, and that is because I really, really, hate picots. I can tolerate them on doilies, because thread picots are so much easier to control, but big fuzzy picots just annoy me.
This is an example of a picot
Well, today is much more of the same. I have ironing to do, and I am going to do some baking. It's nice to bake on cold days. I am making a couple of loaves of whole wheat bread, some matrimony cookies, and a loaf of whole wheat french bread. I don't cook dinner on Thursdays because it is leftover night. The boys have Karate tonight ( 2 classes) so Jilli and I will have the house to ourselves this evening. I may even get some of Jilli's summer wardrobe cut out.
Have a great Thursday!